Pheno Hunt Project Sign Up

Complete the form below to join the next pheno hunt project.

About The Project

A huge part of the road to rosin is finding the right genetics. As home growers, this can be hard for us with limited spaces. A proper pheno hunt can take 4-6 months typically. The idea behind our pheno hunt projects is that up to 8 growers will participate in a grow group and share their winning cuts upon completion. This is a great way to learn a lot as you hunt unique plants alongside a group of other growers. The best part is you will end up with 8 hash plants instead of one upon completion if everyone participates fully. 

Rules For The Hunt

* Members of the pheno hunt must either join the Pheno Hunt subscription level or provide their own seeds for the hunt. This is to encourage participation and discourage seed theft.
* Members must post weekly updates to the group regarding your progress and notes you may have on your plants.
* Members are required to cover shipping costs and must be willing to ship up to 7 souvenir plants to the other group members upon completion of the project.
* Members must have cloning experience and sufficient grow space to maintain multiple plants and clones of each pheno throughout the project. (minimum 3 plants)